Webinars are a marketing tactic powerhouse, offering valuable insights and fostering engagement with your target audience. This post will show you how to add on-demand Marketo webinars to your marketing automation workflow. Create, promote, deliver, and analyze engaging webinars within Marketo, saving time and boosting your marketing impact.   

Definition and Advantages of On-Demand Webinars 

Webinars offer undeniable value - connecting directly with your audience, showcasing expertise, and building brand authority. But what if you could leverage the power of webinars beyond the live session? On-demand webinars are the answer.  

On-demand webinars are pre-recorded presentations accessible anytime, offering a powerful tool to capture leads who register but miss the live event. Integrating on-demand webinars into your marketing automation workflow unlocks tons of benefits. This integration ensures you maximize the value of your webinar by capturing and engaging interested leads, regardless of their live attendance. Below are the strategic benefits of on-demand webinars integrated with marketing automation, giving you the power and control over your marketing strategy.  

  • Convenience: On-demand webinars cater to busy schedules. Users can view them at their own pace, revisit critical points, and ensure they capture all the valuable information. This flexibility leads to higher engagement and completion rates compared to live sessions.  
  • Extended Reach: Due to scheduling conflicts, live webinars have a limited audience. On-demand versions extend your reach to a broader audience, attracting viewers in different time zones or with busy schedules.  
  • Nurturing Leads: Integrate automated email workflows triggered by webinar registration or completion. Based on viewer engagement, send targeted content offering additional resources or guiding them to relevant product information.  
  • Lead Scoring: Marketo allows you to assign points based on webinar interactions, helping identify highly engaged leads further down the sales funnel and allowing for more personalized outreach and nurturing campaigns.  
  • Data-Driven Optimization: Marketo's robust analytics dashboard provides invaluable insights into webinar performance. Analyze audience engagement, track content effectiveness, and identify areas for improvement. These insights allow you to refine and optimize your webinars for maximum impact.

Setting Up On-Demand Webinars in Marketo 

Marketo Engage's Interactive Webinars empower marketers to manage the entire webinar lifecycle within one platform, from creating customized layouts and utilizing interactive features during delivery to leveraging post-event segmentation and performance analytics for a comprehensive webinar experience. Now, let's dive into how to integrate them into your Marketo workflow seamlessly. Here's a breakdown of the critical steps: 

1. Navigate to Marketing Activities and right-click on your desired folder.  
Marketing Activies - How to Create On-Demand Webinar

2. Select "New Program" and name your program accordingly.  

new program on-demand webinar

3. Choose "Event" as the program type and for the Channel, select "Webinar".  

choose webinar

4. Under Channel, pick "Interactive Webinars" and click "Next."  

5. Give your webinar a title that captures attention. Remember, it must be unique within your Marketo instance - you cannot reuse a webinar title.  

6. Set the maximum audience size and define its duration.  

7. Schedule the date and time for your webinar and click "Create" to begin designing your engaging experience. 

A well-designed webinar creates a professional and engaging environment that captivates your audience. Thankfully, Marketo Engage empowers you to tailor your interactive webinar to suit your needs perfectly. You can choose an existing webinar room or create a new one, pick a template to define the layout, and even refine elements like audio/video preferences before entering the room. You can always customize the details of your interactive webinar further later on.  

In addition, Marketo streamlines registration and attendance for your webinars. Craft a captivating landing page with a clear description and engaging registration form using Marketo's tools, then set up automated confirmation emails thanking viewers and providing access information.  

Once you've configured registration and attendance, leverage Marketo's powerful marketing automation features to spread the word and reach your target audience. Integrate it with existing campaigns targeting relevant audiences, leveraging Marketo's tools to embed registration forms or promote the webinar directly. Alternatively, develop dedicated campaigns focused solely on webinar promotion, utilizing email marketing and social media integrations to reach your target audience. 

Automating Webinar-Related Processes 

Marketo streamlines your interactive webinar workflow, freeing you to focus on delivering exceptional content and nurturing valuable leads. Below are ways you can make the most of this robust platform to automate webinars and simplify your process:  

Automating Invitations and Reminders:  

  • Save Time with Scheduled Emails - Set up automated email sequences to send invites before the webinar registration deadline. Design follow-up reminder emails to nudge potential attendees closer to the registration date.  
  • Segment Your Audience - Personalize the invite and reminder emails by segmenting your audience based on demographics or interests. This ensures relevant content resonates better with each recipient.

Post-Webinar Follow-Up:

  • Engagement-Based Emails—Trigger automated email sequences based on engagement levels. Leverage Marketo's tracking features to identify viewers who completed the webinar or interacted with specific content.   
  • Targeted Content—Send targeted follow-up emails to attendees and no-shows. Offer additional resources, case studies, or product demos relevant to the webinar content and the viewer's interests, furthering lead nurturing.  

Leveraging Marketo Smart Campaigns   

  • Smart Triggers—Use Marketo Smart Campaigns to automate actions based on specific viewer interactions. For example, upon completing the entire webinar, trigger a personalized email with a discount code.  
  • Dynamic Content - Personalize follow-up email content dynamically based on viewer data. This could include referencing specific topics discussed during the webinar that the viewer focused on.

Tracking and Analyzing Webinar Performance 

Creating a webinar is just the first step - tracking its performance and gleaning valuable insights is crucial. With Marketo, you can track registration rates to gauge the landing page's effectiveness and form. Measure attendance rates to identify drop-off points and improve viewership. Finally, analyze engagement levels – video completion time, CTA clicks, form submissions – to see which content resonated most and optimize future webinars.  

Thanks to seamless Marketo integration features, this data becomes even more powerful. Webinar data integrates directly with Marketo Analytics, providing a holistic view of your marketing efforts. Analyze webinar performance alongside other marketing campaign metrics to identify trends and gain deeper insights into audience behavior. Marketo's reporting tools allow you to create customized reports that analyze critical metrics across different webinars or audience segments, empowering you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your overall marketing strategy.  

Moreover, Marketo goes beyond data collection; it empowers you to leverage insights for personalized engagement. Analyze engagement data to understand which topics resonated most with your audience. Use these insights to inform future webinar content creation, tailoring it to address specific interests and pain points. Utilize the platform's segmentation features to take personalization a step further. Leverage viewer engagement data to segment your audience and personalize post-webinar follow-up emails. This ensures you deliver relevant content and offers that resonate with each viewer's interests, maximizing the return on your webinar investment.  

Elevate Your Marketing with On-Demand Webinars and Marketo  

On-demand webinars, combined with the automation and analytics capabilities of Marketo, create a powerhouse for audience engagement and lead nurturing. Marketo streamlines every stage of your interactive webinar workflow, from crafting captivating landing pages to analyzing post-event engagement.  

Ready to unlock the potential of on-demand webinars and Marketo? Contact us today to schedule a free Marketo consultation and learn how we can help you transform your webinars into lead-generation machines.